Past Events
SeqFlow by Tommaso Allevi + WebAudio by Lorenzo Paderi @ Immobiliare Labs
Why Effect-ts? by Enrico Polanski @ Sourcesense
CSS Superpowers with Layers by Emiliano Pisu @ Immobiliare Labs
RomaJS - Open Source Night Hack @ SourceSense
Elegant by design: JavaScript in JavaScript by Paolo Caressa @ Immobiliare Labs
Smarmella! Apri tutto! E altre istruzioni per l’uso dei framework fullstack
"Type-level Typescript programming" by Alessandro Scandone @ Sourcesense
Release it like a pro!🎸 by Simone Pulcini & Luigi G. Corollo @ Immobiliare Labs
"The Wastes of Product Engineering" by Luís Rodrigues @ Sourcesense
Inventiamo un nuovo linguaggio in JS ed usiamolo con Monaco editor @ Sourcesense