About RomaJS
The RomaJS group was founded by Gilles Ruppert back in 2013.
It is a JavaScript User Group based in the city of Roma, Italia. We discuss and have meetups about JavaScript: server-side, client-side, mobile, HTML5. Anything related JS.
We meet every third Wednesday of the month and we coordinate the meeting using the meetup platform. Everyone is more than welcome to come to our meeting, we ask you to RSVP just to be sure we will have enough space.
During the last years various people have helped keeping the group running:
You can have some taste of our meeting on our official youtube channel.
For further questions you can contact us using one of our social network profiles.
About this website
romajs.org has been developed and designed by Fabrizio Vitale and Guido D’Orsi and its source code is available at https://github.com/Roma-JS/roma-js-on-astro.
The previous version has been developed by Luca Lanziani and its source code is available at https://github.com/Roma-JS/romajs-on-metalsmith.